Co-author of the Joint Guidance's guidance on considerations for disabled individuals under 2024 Title IX regulations
Co-Author (with Phil Catanzano of peer-reviewed NACUANOTE published by the National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA). This article focuses on how institutions should consider and accommodate requests for disabilities in sexual misconduct processes that are founded on concepts of strict parity of process for both parties. (subscription required)
Workplace training for individuals with cognitive disabilities about discrimination, harassment and employment laws and workplace rights.
Janet Elie Faulkner was cited by the National Council on Disability in its report
Not on the Radar: Sexual Assault of College Students with Disabilities. The National Council on Disability is an independent federal agency committed to disability policy leadership.
University of Vermont Legal Issues In Higher Education continuing legal education conference
Neuropsychology and Education Services for Children and Adolescents (NESCA) - training for clinicians
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